Setting-Up Your New CGAZ.COM Account

I. Configuring Internet Explorer with Automatic Settings

Follow these instructions to configure Internet Explorer to automatically use your account and password when connecting.

  1. On Windows 95 / 98 / Me or 2000, Click on the "Start" button, Click "Settings", then Click "Control Panel".
  2. On Windows XP Click "Start" and Click "Control Panel
  3. Double Click the Icon that says "Internet Options".  If you have Windows XP, you may have to click on "Classic View" to see the icon.
  4. Click the tab that say "Connections" at the top of the window
  5. Make sure your CGAZ connection is selected and Click on "Settings"
  6. Under "User name" type in you username with "" at the end and under "Password" type in your access password
  7. Click "OK"
  8. Clock "OK" again
  9. Close all Windows and you should be set up.




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