Setting-Up Your New CGAZ.COM Account

I. Creating a Dial-Up Networking Connection

Follow these instructions to use the Wizard to connect to CGAZ.COM. The installation should take about 10 minutes.

  1. Click on the "My Computer" icon on your desktop.
  2. Click or double click (Windows 98 usually only requires one click. Windows 95 requires two clicks in rapid succession) on "Dial-Up Networking."
  3. Click or double click on "Make New Connection."
  4. Type "CGAZ.COM" for the name of your connection.
  5. Make sure that your modem is selected in the box labeled "Select a Modem." It probably is. If your modem is not selected, you may press the triangle at the far right of this box to select your modem from a list of installed modems.
  6. Click on Next.
  7. Enter a dialup number of your choice. To see full listing of access numbers, click here
  8. Make sure that "United States of America" shows in the box labeled "Country Code."
  9. Click on Next.
  10. Click on Finish.
  11. You should be back in the "Dial-up Networking" Window. Click or double click on "CGAZ.COM," the connection that you just created.
  12. Enter your name and password in the boxes provided. These are the user name and password you requested and are confirmed in your introductory letter. The user name should be enter as THESE ARE CASE SENSITIVE SO MAKE SURE YOU TYPE THEM ALL CORRECTLY.
  13. Click on Connect. You will probably hear dialing from your computer. As your computer connects, you should see the screens similar to these appear one after the other.
  14. You are now connected to CGAZ.COM. Double clicking on the Netscape or Internet Explorer icon on your desktop will allow you to access the WWW.

II. Put the connection on your desktop.

  1. Click on the "My Computer" icon on your desktop.
  2. Click or double click (Windows 98 usually only requires one click. Windows 95 requires two clicks in rapid succession) on "Dial-Up Networking."
  3. Click and hold the new Connection Icon with the left mouse button and drag the icon over to the desktop and release. By doing this you create a shortcut for your CGAZ.COM connection on your desktop.

III. Fine Tune your communication Protocol Selection

Go to the My Computer icon on your desktop and click. Next click on the Dial-up Networking icon and select Properties

In the properties window, you will find several settings that can impact the length of time and sucess rate for your Internet connections. These settings also affect the manner in which you transfer data over the Internet. As background, all of your traffic through CGAZ.COM is done with TCP/IP or (Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol or just IP, for short). Any other protocol, most likely, is wasted effort.

Microsoft settings now begin by activating many possible protocols, including ones that are not required for your CGAZ.COM session. This slows everything down. Under Server Types:

1. The Dialup Server Type is PPP for 95, 98, NT etc.
2. Log on to network should not be checked.

For your protocol settings:

1. Make sure that TCP/IP is the only protocol that should be checked. No not check NetBEUI or IPX/SPX.

Finally, it is possible that you may need to set the TCP/IP settings for this particular connection. Make sure the following are checked:

  • 1. Server Assigned IP addresses
  • 2. Server Assigned Name Server Addresses
  • 3. IP Header Compression
  • 4. Default Gateway

At this point, remember to use the OK button to exit these screens, otherwise, if you were to just "X out," you will not save any changes.

IV. Check Network Settings.

Go to the Start Button that is usually located in the lower left hand corner of your desktop screen. Select the Settings option and then the Control Panel option. Next, the Control Panel has icons for most of the major settings for the computer. Find the Network icon and click it. This opens up the Network setting control panel.

In the configurations box, select TCP/IP -> Dialup Adapter or, if this doesn't exist, select TCP/IP by clicking once with the left mouse button. Next, below this white box and to the right is a Properties button which you should click.

In the PROPERTIES window, you have several grey folder-like tabs. We will confim the following key settings:

  • IP Address should be set to Obtain an IP address automatically. (It will be assigned when you connect to CGAZ.COM)
  • WINS Configurationshould be set to Disable WINS resolution.
  • Gateway should be left blank. (It will also be assigned when you connect to CGAZ.COM)
  • DNS Configuration should be set to Disable DNS.
  • Advanced should have a gray check or a live black check for Set this protocol to be the default protocol.

These settings should improve your connection speed and improve delays in the transfer rate of your Internet activity.




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