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    Setting-Up Your New CGAZ.COM Account

    Setting up WebTV

    Getting WebTV subscribers connected with CGAZ.COM

  • The process below shows step-by-step instructions that a WebTV® subscriber would need to follow.

    1. From the WebTV Web Homepage, select "Account" from the top bar.

    Please note: subscribers must be logged on as the primary user. The primary user is the name the subscriber chose the first time they connected to the WebTV Network service.
    2. In Account, select "Use an ISP."

    3. Choose "Sign Up Now."

    4. Enter ISP account information:

    • Enter CGAZ.COM as the ISP company name. Choose "Continue."
    • Enter 520-413-4967 as the primary dialup modem access number. Choose "Continue."
    • Enter your CGAZ.COM user name and case-sensitive password supplied by us. Choose "Continue."
    • Confirm your password. Choose "Continue."
    • Choose "Use your ISP."
    5. Following this set up, the WebTV Internet unit will reset and reconnect automatically to complete the change. A confirmation screen will appear to verify that you are using an ISP to access their WebTV subscription.

    Thank you for choosing CGAZ.COM!


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