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  • Dial-up
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    Setting-Up Your New CGAZ.COM Account

    Using Dial-Up Networking - Troubleshooting Troubleshooting

    If you have not successfully connected to CGAZ.COM, confirm that your modem is correctly installed; that the telephone number has been entered correctly

    Click Here to get the list of CGAZ.COM Dial-Up Numbers

    then redial, taking care to enter the username and password correctly, just as they appear on your CGAZ.COM introductory letter. Remember that these fields are case-sensitive. Lower case letters must be entered as such. Check to make sure that the CAPS lock is not on. If this does not work you will want to check your Networking settings.

    1. Click the Start button in the left-hand corner of your desktop. Then select Settings and Control Panel from the lists that appear.
    2. The Control Panel window will appear. Select the icon labeled Network.
    3. Select TCP/IP -> Dial-Up Adapter in the Network Configuration List.
    4. Click the Properties button.
    5. Click the tab labeled IP Address. Be sure the option labeled Obtain an IP address automatically is selected.
    6. Click the tab labeled Gateway, there should be no gateways in the option box. If any gateways exist they must be deleted.
    7. Click the tab labeled DNS. Be sure the option labeled Disable DNS is selected.
    8. Click the tab labeled Advanced, Be sure this protocol is set to the default protocol.
    9. Click the tab labeled WINS configuration. Be sure the option labeled Disable WINS Resolution is selected.
    If TCP/IP -> Dial-Up Adapter is NOT on the List
    1. Click the Add button.
    2. Next select Protocol
    3. Select Microsoft from the left-hand pane of the window that appears, and TCP/IP from the right-hand pane.
    4. Click OK. You may be asked for your Windows 95 or 98 CD.

    If, after confirming all of this you are still unable to connect, contact CGAZ.COM Customer Service at (520) 316-8000

    Setting-Up Dial-Up Networking | Setting-Up Email | Setting-Up Outlook Express | Setting-Up Eudora Light | Setting-Up Netscape Mail and News

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