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    Setting-Up Your New CGAZ.COM Account

    Setting up Eudora Light

    1. From your desktop click or double click the "My Computer" icon.
    2. In the window that opens, click or double click the icon representing your hard drive. This should be labeled C: among other things.
    3. In the program group that opens double click the folder icon labeled Eudora.
    4. In the next program group you should see an icon that looks like a mailbox labeled Eudora. Click once on this icon and hold the mouse button down. Still holding the button down, drag the icon out of the program group and onto your desktop. This will create a shortcut to Eudora.
    5. Close all of the program groups you have opened. You should see the Eudora mailbox on your desktop labeled Shortcut to Eudora.
    6. Click or double click on this icon to launch Eudora.
    7. From the top menu bar select Tools then Options.
    8. This will open the Options dialog box. In the left-hand pane select Getting Started.
    9. On the right-hand pane enter your full email address in the box labeled POP account. You must enter the username you selected plus @cgaz.com. Your email address should be all one word and all lower case. Here are some examples, info@cgaz.com, service1@cgaz.com, jsmith@cgaz.com.
    10. In the next box enter your name as you would like it to appear in email you send to friends, family, and colleagues. You can enter just about anything in this field.
    11. In the next field re-enter your full email address.
    12. Select Winsock (Network, PPP, SLIP) from the option group labeled Connection Method.
    13. Now select Personal Info from the left-hand side.
    14. On the right-hand side check that the first and third field contains your email address, the second your name, the fourth your username alone.
    15. Select Hosts from the left-hand side.
    16. The top field on the right-hand side should contain your email address.
    17. The second field labeled SMTP should read cgaz.com
    18. In the third field enter the dial-up number from your Welcome Letter.
    19. Do not worry about the final field.
    20. Select Checking Mail from the left-hand pane.
    21. In the right-hand side make sure that the check-box labeled Leave mail on server is NOT checked.
    22. You can leave the other options in their default settings.
    23. Click OK to exit.
    24. You are now ready to use Eudora Light.


    Setting-Up Dial-Up Networking | Setting-Up Email | Setting-Up Outlook Express | Setting-Up Eudora Light | Setting-Up WebTV | Setting-Up Netscape Mail and News

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