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  • Email
  • Outlook Express
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  • Eudora Light
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    Setting-Up Your New CGAZ.COM Account

    Setting-up Email

    ------ To send and receive email you provide certain information to your email software. You may not be aware that when you check your mail, you are actually utilizing a separate program than the one you use to explore the WWW. This is because all browsers (Internet Explorer, Netscape) bundle email software within their interface so that it easy for you to access your mail while online. If you are using the Internet Explorer browser, your email program is called Outlook Express (or Internet Mail, if you’re using a really archaic version). Netscape provides Netscape Message Center or just Netscape Mail. There are also programs that only handle email and does not provide a browser, the most popular is Eudora Light (free) and Eudora Pro (not free). No matter what software you are using, you will need to know the following:

    Email address or POP account: username@cgaz.com
    (Use the distinct username that appears in your introductory letter, not the word username.)

    (Mail) Server username: your username only

    Outgoing mail (SMTP) server: cgaz.com

    (POP3) Incoming mail server: cgaz.com

    The following links provide set-up instructions for specific email programs:

    _Setting up Microsoft’s Outlook Express

    _Setting Up Outlook Express to Read News

    _Setting Up Netscape Mail and News

    _Setting up Eudora Light




    Setting-Up Dial-Up Networking | Setting-Up Email | Setting-Up Outlook Express | Setting-Up Eudora Light | Setting-Up WebTV | Setting-Up Netscape Mail and News

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