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    Fixing a Modem that won't Dial.

    Does it seem that your modem isn't dialing when you instruct it to connect?

    There are several possible reasons for your modem problem. As usual, the simplest answers are also the most common. If you have just moved your computer or set up the computer for the first time, you may have a simple problem. Modems have two places to put telephone connections. The one for line from the wall outlet should run to the modem socket that is usually marked with the word LINE. The other socket on the modem is for a handset so that you can share your computer line with a regular phone. When setting up your computer, you may have inserted the phone line in the wrong socket. Correct the problem and try again.

    Secondly, make sure that the line to which the computer is connected is working. There might be a phone line problem. Check this by connecting a handset to that line. If it is working, but there is static on the line, this could be a problem. Disconnect all of your telephone connections for about 5 minutes to see if you can discharge static electricity on the lines that may be causing the "static" on the line.

    Third, have you had any electrical storms in your area? It may be possible that there was a lightning strike in the phone system at or near your location that carried up the phone line and "fried" your modem. If you have noticed other problems with electrical devices in the house, then this is a possibility. Unfortunately, your modem may need to be replaced. We also recommend that you run your computer phone line through a telephone line surge protector that comes with the better surge protector devices that are on sale at computer stores, office supply stores, hardware stores or even supermarkets.

    If your modem just stopped working, it is possible that you have just installed some new software which has caused this problem. There may be a setting conflict. If you can locate the diskette that came with the modem, consider Uninstalling the modem through the MODEM function found in the CONTROL PANEL. Get there by going to the START BUTTON and selecting SETTINGS. Click on the modem and type remove. Then go to the ADD NEW HARDWARE BUTTON in the CONTROL PANEL and let the computer find your modem. This re-install may help.

    An installation of some other software or communications program may have added Network Protocols and services that may have re-set the default settings for your CGAZ.COM connection. Double-check your settings by reviewing all of your network settings. Make sure that your CGAZ.COM connection and the TCP/IP for Dialup Adaptor are your default settings. Follow the instructions found at the page Set-up New Account.

    Have you added Messaging from the Telephone Company to your telephone service? The computer will not dial after hearing the little beeps that tell you that there is are messages waiting. Before you can connect, retrieve the messages. Once you do that, the computer will be able to dial.

    Occasionally, we find that customers add NON-WIRE telephone wiring extensions to their residential telephone system. These systems will not support data transfer and will cause problems when you try to use them for your computer. To see if this is a problem, run a long telephone line from a standard socket to your computer. Also, some answering machines will also cause problems for your computer. You may need to run the answering machine off of the PHONE connection of your modem rather than running your computer through the PHONE connection of the answering machine. To test if this is causing the problem, remove the answering machine temporarily and see if the modem will dial again.

    Remember, modems will fail and need to be replaced. Nothing is more frustrating, but it does happen. If you need to replace your modem, we recommend that you get a brand name. The better the modem, the easier they are to install and the better they are for reliability. There are plenty of exceptions, but no one needs to lose two weekends fussing over a $30 savings.

    If you continue to experience problems, please contact CGAZ.COM either by email to service@cgaz.com, or by phone at (301) 657-0863 or 1 (877) 874-4266.


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