Modem - FAQ
How do I dial in?
You may dial in
from the following phone numbers.
You can use these numbers anywhere in the world, provided that
you pay long-distance charges. Modem speeds may vary on the
condition of the phone lines and types of modems.
What can I do about busy signals?
Busy signals come in two speeds, fast and slow.
- Fast busy signals mean that the phone network itself is busy.
Even if all our phones were free, it isn't something that we can
- Slow busy signals mean that our phones are all busy, and you
should try again later.
The number I dialed won't connect!
If you cannot connect, call technical support at 301-657-0863.
Can I really get 56k speeds?
The ability to get 56k speeds depends on your phone lines. If
you have older wiring in your home, or there are many switches
between you and our modems, it may lower the speed at which you
are able to connect. Your phone line simply may not be capable of
such speeds. Depending on your operating system, the rate shown
may not be accurate. The best way to check is to download a large
file and see how fast it shows.
What is v.90?
v.90 is the standard for high speed modem connections which is
approved by the ITU.
What is v.92?
v.92 is the new dial-up modem standard that is being worked on
by the ITU. The standard provides for an increase in upload
speeds, quicker connect times and a modem-on-hold feature that
allows the modem to work in conjunction with call waiting provided
by the phone company.
Does CGAZ.COM support v.92 modems?
v.92 is available in all CGAZ.COM areas on our CORETEL lines,
except for locations South of the DC Metro area where only v.90 is
Why do I keep getting disconnected?
There are a few reasons:
- Speed: When connecting, the server will negotiate speeds with
your modem several times. Sometimes during this process,
interference can cause you to get disconnected. With the new phone
numbers, the speed and bandwidth are increased by 20%-40% over the
old numbers. Try setting your modem to a lower connection speed.
To do this, go to Start, then Settings, then Control Panel, then
Modems. Next, click on Properties and change the maximum speed to
a lower setting.
- Inactivity: If you are not using your connection, and just
sitting on the line, you will be disconnected.
- Software: Your software may be misconfigured.
- Call waiting: You may be getting a call, and the modem
interprets the noise as a signal to disconnect.
- Temperature: Yes, temperature. As the weather changes, the
phone wires expand or contract depending on the temperature. This
may cause line noise.
- Modem String: Sometimes when you have trouble dialing in, or
staying connected it is because the modem is not communicating
with CGAZ.COMs servers in the correct way. Click here
to see which modem strings you could use for your modem to try and
fix connection issue.