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    E-mail - FAQ

    Why can't I get my Email off the server?

    There are several reasons for such a problem. The main ones are as follows:

    1. Because of Email-sourced virus problems, you may have installed Norton Anti-Virus software or some other shielding software. You should re-check your configuration on this product. You may need to make some modifications to your active Anti-Virus product to point your our email server to cgaz.com which is the name of the Mail server for incoming mail. You may also choose to check your incoming mail server settings on your mail client (Eudora, Outlook Express, or Netscape Communicator) and just reset it to cgaz.com. Remember, the server is a POP3 server. While you are there, you should check your out-going mail server to make sure that it too is indicated as "cgaz.com".

    2. You may have modified your Email client or switched email clients. You may have also added a new email account. If so, make sure that your Email with CGAZ.COM is still correctly configured. Check the Email setup support for your Email client.

    3. Maybe you have a rather large file "stuck" in your in-box at CGAZ.COM and you don't have enough weeks to download the file. Use webmail.cgaz.com, the web-based CGAZ.COM mail server to check this and then delete the file. You may have ended up LOCKING UP your CGAZ.COM mail box. If so, please contact the office or file a trouble ticket and a CGAZ.COM technician will address the problem, as soon as possible.

    What should I do if I get an Unsolicited Commercial Email?

    Don't respond! The address that it came from is probably forged. Moreover, responding might even "increase" the value of your address since your reply verifies that someone read it. Similarly, don't follow 'opt-out' instructions, as many spammers cull even more addresses from them.

    How can I filter them out?

    You should learn to use the filtering features of your mail program. Read the help file for more details.

    Why am I receiving them?

    Your email address was probably grabbed by what is referred to as a "Spam Robot" from one of these sources: 
  • A newsgroup 
  • An Email Mailing List 
  • A web page 
  • A domain name you have registered. 

    How can I forward my mail to another account?

    Please contact our offices. There is a $5.00 per month charge for this service.

    What servers should I use to get and send my mail?

    Your POP3 server (where you get your mail from) and SMTP server (where you send your mail) should be cgaz.com

    What mail programs will you support?

    We will help you with Netscape Mail, Eudora, and Microsoft Outlook.

    How can two or more people use Eudora Pro on the same PC? Can each user have his/her own settings?

    Yes. To allow multiple users, make a seperate mail directory and create a seperate program manager icon for each user. The directories can be named anything and placed anywhere you want. Place a copy of eudora.ini in each user's directory.

    I cannot send mail. I can receive my mail, but every time I try to send it, it bounces back to me.

    You must set your SMTP server to cgaz.com. This will allow you to send mail.

    Is there a limit to the size of an email message?

    Yes, CGAZ.COM will reject emails that are larger than 10 Meg. in size. Our mail servers should not be used to store large files. Please remove all large files from the mail server as soon as possible. You can easily send files through email that take forever to download when on a typical dialup connection. If you, or someone you know, has blocked up your e-mail with a large file that can not be downloaded, we recommend that you go to our webmail product at http://www.cgaz.com/ts/webmail.cgaz.com to remove the message.

    Setting-Up Dial-Up Networking | Setting-Up Email | Setting-Up Outlook Express | Setting-Up Eudora Light | Setting-Up WebTV | Setting-Up Netscape Mail and News

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