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    My connection drops every time I check my email or close my browser.

    It is very possible, even without you knowing it, that your Connection Settings may have been changed recently. Microsoft software being installed or updated may reset your Connection Settings. There is a set off Internet connection settings that are shared by Microsoft's Email programs (Outlook and Outlook Express) and Internet Explorer which controls your connection to and disconnection from your Internet session.

    If you are experiencing this problem with these programs, open the mail client by clicking on the ICON for the program.

    For Outlook, click TOOLS and then SERVICES. Select your Email connection and highlight that service with a single click of the mouse. Next, you should click the PROPERTIES button. Within the PROPERTIES WINDOW, you will find a settings tab for CONNECTION which you should click.

    If you find that the option for Disconnect when finished sending and receiving has been selected with a check, then click that box and un-select this option. You have found the problem. Remember to click the APPLY button at the bottom of the window, so the change will be enforced. Then click OK to close all of the windows.

    For Outlook Express, click TOOLS and then OPTIONS. In the OPTIONS window that opens, you should a settings tab for CONNECTION which you should click.

    If you find that the option for Hang up after sending and receiving has been selected with a check, then click that box and un-select this option. You have found the problem. Remember to click the APPLY button at the bottom of the window, so the change will be enforced. Then click OK to close all of the windows.

    If you continue to experience problems, please contact CGAZ.COM either by email to service@cgaz.com, or by phone at (520) 316-8000


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