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    Spring Call to Action

    AOL - FAQ

    Why do I have trouble using the software if I have AOL 5.0 installed?

    When you install AOL 5.0, it will ask "Would you like this copy of the AOL software to be your default Internet application for Web pages, newsgroups, and email?" If you answer "Yes" in response to this question or press the enter key, you may not be able to use CGAZ.COM.

    If you have already made AOL 5.0 your default Internet application but wish to change your selection, please do the following:

      1. Click the "Start" button.
    2. Select "Settings."
    3. Select "Control Panel."
    4. Double-click "Internet Options."
    5. Choose the "Programs" tab.
    6. Click the "Reset Web Settings..." button.
    7. Uncheck the "Also reset my home page" check box.
    8. Click "Yes" button.
    9. Click "OK" on the "Internet Properties" dialog.


    Setting-Up Dial-Up Networking | Setting-Up Email | Setting-Up Outlook Express | Setting-Up Eudora Light | Setting-Up WebTV | Setting-Up Netscape Mail and News

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